Domestic Violence
A domestic violence conviction in California has significant consequences. In addition to the possibility of jail time, probation and a large fine, a person convicted of domestic violence may lose the right to own a firearm.
If you are facing domestic violence charges in Central California, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at Bird & Van Dyke, Inc. To contact our law office in Stockton, California, call 209-507-0479.
Who May Be Charged With Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence charges are not limited to allegations of spousal abuse. Anyone accused of assaulting a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or same-sex partner can be charged with domestic abuse.
Domestic violence cases are difficult for both prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys. The family dynamics involved in these cases require the attention of an experienced attorney. As a former prosecutor and public defender, attorney Bird has handled many cases involving allegations of domestic violence.
Working For You
At Bird & Van Dyke, Inc., we understand that winning means different things to different people. For some clients, protecting their records may be the most important goal. For other clients, the importance of protecting a long-term relationship may have significant value.
Our attorneys are here to help. We take our direction from you. Although we always provide a vigorous defense, we do so at the direction of our clients. In doing so, we take into account the people and relationships that are important to you.
Contact Us
To schedule an appointment with a lawyer at our firm, call 209-507-0479 or contact Bird & Van Dyke, Inc., online.