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California car accidents: Speed possible factor in fatal crash

by | Jul 24, 2015 | Car Accidents, Firm News |

Being able to drive is a privilege that comes with age and the successful completion of training courses. In order to earn a license, drivers must show that they have knowledge of traffic laws. Despite having this knowledge, many drivers choose to ignore speed limits, often resulting in serious car accidents. Police in California believe that speed may have been a factor in a recent accident that resulted in one teenager’s death.

Reports indicate that the accident happened at approximately 10 p.m. one night in July. According to reports, a vehicle containing four occupants was headed south on a California roadway. While attempting to change lanes, the driver of the vehicle allegedly lost control.

The car struck a curb and tree before hitting a funeral home. A 17-year-old male passenger in the back seat reportedly died at the scene. Police say that the vehicle’s three other occupants fled the scene. Some reports estimate that the car was traveling at double or triple the speed limit at the time of the accident.

Car accidents such as this one are many California parents’ worst nightmares. Families are left both grieving and worried about how they will cope with the financial ramifications of their loss. While it is unclear what — if any — criminal charges are expected in this case, the young man’s surviving family members can also seek to hold responsible parties liable for his death. An experienced attorney can help determine all who may be party to a lawsuit and help take appropriate legal action.

Source:, “Teen dies in crash at Oakland funeral home“, Henry K. Lee, July 21, 2015

