California teacher charged with sex crimes against former student

by | Feb 18, 2015 | Firm News, Sex Crimes

People decide to become teachers for a variety of different reasons, but many of them do so because of the impact they feel they might be able to have on some of their students. In fact, some teachers are able to establish special relationships with their students that will be remembered beyond the classroom. However, police in California believe that one teacher’s relationship with a student almost 15 years ago was unacceptable, and he has now been charged with sex crimes.

The alleged victim in the case says that she and an English teacher at an all-girls school engaged in a sexual relationship starting in June 2000 and lasting approximately two years. During their relationship, she says that she became pregnant. According to her claims, the pregnancy ended with a miscarriage, but the teacher pressured her to have an abortion prior to the loss of the pregnancy.

She claims that she did not come forward with her allegations sooner because she thought she was his only victim. However, a recent article published by another student detailing a non-sexual relationship with the same teacher reportedly prompted her to go public with her allegations. The teacher has now been charged with several felonies. The victim in this case says that she also plans to file a civil suit against the California school that employed the teacher.

Accusations involving sex crimes are serious. However, there must be sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in order to obtain a conviction. It is unclear at this time what evidence California prosecutors may have against the man other than the word of the alleged victim. Because of the nature of the allegations, it is easy for some to assume guilt. However, in all criminal cases, a defendant is only considered guilty after a conviction is obtained.

Source: NBC Los Angeles, “Ex-Marlborough School Teacher Accused of Sex With Student“, Willian Avila and Mekahlo Medina, Feb. 5, 2015