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California car accidents: Drunk driving blamed for 11 injured

by | Dec 22, 2014 | Car Accidents, Firm News |

Thanks to campaigns, most people are likely aware there could be significant consequences as a result of driving under the influence. Despite this knowledge, car accidents involving alcohol and other substances still occur. For example, police in California suspect that a man was under the influence of alcohol after an accident sent multiple people to the hospital.

The accident happened one evening in mid-December. According to reports, a group of people had gathered to observe Christmas lights by the side of the road. Reports indicate that a 28-year-old male driver of a pickup truck unexpectedly turned left, striking a minivan. The force of the collision apparently pushed the minivan into the crowd of people.

Eleven people were taken to the hospital as a result of injuries they suffered in the accident. A 27-year-old woman is still being treated for head injuries in intensive care. Records indicate that the man has prior drunk driving convictions and was driving without a valid driver’s license at the time of the accident. He has since been arrested and was being held on bail at last report.

Many people in California are acquainted with the physical injuries that could be caused by car accidents, but many may not be aware of the potential financial complications that may be created. For example, the seriously injured woman in this case will likely face a lengthy hospital stay resulting in medical bills. In addition to these expenses, she may have to miss work and may never be able to return in the same capacity, if at all. She does have legal options available to seek help with these costs. In the past, many of those who successfully argued a personal injury claim in a civil court were awarded damages that made the expenses stemming from such an accident more bearable.

Source: NBC Los Angeles, “Driver Accused in Alhambra Crash Has Prior DUI Convictions“, Christina Cocca, Dec. 15, 2014

