The potential risks of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are well-known, including the risk of causing a dangerous car accident. Unfortunately, people in California continue to engage in the risky behavior, sometimes resulting in serious car accidents. Police believe that a man charged after a fatal accident was under the influence at the time. He has since been arrested.
The accident happened one night in late October. According to reports, a 23-year-old man driver allegedly failed to obey a traffic signal. As a result, the vehicle slammed into a sedan containing an 18-year-old passenger who was killed in the accident. After the initial collision, the sedan then struck a pickup truck. Three people in the sedan had to be extricated from the wreckage by fire fighters.
Four people in the first car were also injured, and two of them were listed as being in serious condition. The driver of that car was arrested and charged with driving under the influence. He was also said to have been driving on a suspended license as a result of a previous drunk driving arrest.
The family of the deceased young man is surely reeling from the news of his death and may be wondering how they will cope with funeral expenses and other end-of-life costs. Additionally, those injured in the accident may have medical bills to pay in addition to lost wages as they struggle to recover. Victims — or their family members in the case of a fatality — of similar car accidents in California have sought financial relief in a civil court. An attorney with experience regarding applicable laws and local court procedures can help such victims choose their best option in the aftermath of an accident.
Source: The Orange County Register, “Santa Ana man killed in three-vehicle crash“, Christopher Earley and Chris Haire, Oct. 26, 2014