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Truck accidents in California can lead to fatalities or injuries

by | Sep 1, 2014 | Firm News, Truck Accidents |

Most people can recognize the importance of tractor-trailers and box trucks to the country’s economy. Unfortunately, truck accidents can cause serious injuries or even fatalities due to the size and weight of the vehicles. California police officers continue to investigate an accident that killed three people.

The accident happened in late August. Police say that the driver of a box truck failed to obey a stop sign. As it traveled through the intersection, the truck allegedly struck a van containing four occupants. The force of the impact propelled the van into a pickup truck that hit a fourth vehicle.

Three people in the van died at the scene. A fourth person survived, but his or her current condition is unclear. Occupants in the fourth vehicle suffered minor injuries. While beer cans were found at the scene, it is unclear what vehicle they came from; police do not believe the driver of the box truck, who could eventually face manslaughter charges, was under the influence of alcohol at the time. The driver of the pickup truck allegedly fled the scene.

The aftermath of truck accidents is often difficult to cope with. The family of the three deceased victims will likely face a long struggle as they come to terms with their loss. To try to reduce some of the stresses that may be created by funeral expenses and loss of income, family members have the option of filing a wrongful death case in a California civil court. If they can prove the accident was caused by negligence, the court could award them with damages to cover expenses and other damages stemming from the fatal accident.

Source:, “Triple fatal crash investigation near the Fresno County town of Caruthers“, Rick Montanez, Aug. 28, 2014

