California truck accidents: Off-duty cop killed in Beverly Hills

by | May 18, 2014 | Firm News, Truck Accidents

Accidents occur every single day on California roads. Some of the more severe accidents involve big commercial trucks, including cement trucks. Authorities report that one of California’s recent deadly truck accidents killed one person and injured another after a cement truck and a pickup truck collided.

For unknown reasons, the driver of the cement truck was unable to control his vehicle and veered into the opposite lane directly into the path of oncoming traffic. The impact resulted in the cement mixer becoming dislodged from the truck itself. The other truck involved was smashed. An off-duty detective in the pickup truck was killed, and the cement truck driver was seriously injured.

This wreck is just one of several that occurred in the same area over the last couple of months. In fact, this is the second accident in the area that involved a police officer. This has resulted in authorities barring heavy duty vehicles (those exceeding 3 tons) from the roadway until additional protective measures can be implemented.

At this time, it is unclear as to what caused the accident. An investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the wreck. When truck accidents occur in California, criminal charges may apply if one or more drivers seemingly disobeyed a traffic law. However, many victims (including the families of deceased victims) may be able to pursue legal action in a civil court. With credible evidence, a successfully litigated personal injury or wrongful death claim may warrant a monetary award for medical costs, burial expenses, loss of income, loss of consortium and pain and suffering.

Source:, “LAPD officer killed in Beverly Hills truck crash”, , May 9, 2014