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California truck accidents can lead to fatalities

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Firm News, Truck Accidents |

There are many safe drivers on the road. However, the slightest miscalculation or distraction can cause even the safest driver to cause a tragic accident. Unfortunately, truck accidents in California can easily lead to fatalities. For example, one man was recently killed in an accident involving a tractor-trailer and a motorcycle, while two others were injured.

According to reports, a 72-year-old man was driving a tractor-trailer on a California road in early August. Police reports indicate that the driver lost control of the truck just before noon for unknown reasons, causing it to jackknife and spill a load of lumber onto the roadway. A 60-year-old man on a motorcycle struck the truck. He ultimately died from the injuries suffered in the collision.

Both the driver of the truck and a 64-year-old traveling on a separate motorcycle alongside the deceased victim suffered minor injuries. The truck driver was transported to an area hospital for treatment. The accident is likely under investigation as officials work to determine the cause, including whether drugs or alcohol may have contributed. There is as yet no indication if criminal charges may be filed.

The family of the deceased victim is likely struggling with the news of their loved one’s death. Many victims, or their families in the case of a fatality, of California truck accidents have sought legal recourse in a civil court. For those who can prove that their personal injury or their loved one’s death was caused by another’s negligence, the court could award them monetary damages to help cope with the financial repercussions of such an incident

Source:, “Motorcyclist killed in crash on I-5”, Alayna Shulman, Aug. 10, 2014

Source:, “Motorcyclist killed in crash on I-5”, Alayna Shulman, Aug. 10, 2014

