Freedom And Hope Are On The Horizon

Sexual Registration

Most sex crime convictions in California mandate registration as a sex offender – in addition to other serious penalties. If you have been charged with a sex crime, now is the time to fight your charges and seek to avoid the consequences of a criminal conviction.

Bird & Van Dyke, Inc., can mount an aggressive defense of child pornography, rape, sexual assault, and other sex crime charges. Contact us in Stockton, California, to schedule an initial consultation.

What Does Sexual Registration Require?

A registered sex offender is required to do the following:

  • Register annually with law enforcement
  • Register every time he or she moves
  • Register if he or she goes on vacation (or is away from home) for more than five consecutive days
  • Wear a GPS monitoring device

Additionally, there are restrictions as to where a registered sex offender can live. Living within a certain distance of a school or playground is prohibited.

Registered sex offender information is available for anyone to view online. This includes the offender’s name, address and details of the crime.

Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

It is critical for anyone charged with a sex crime to aggressively fight those charges. If not, an alleged sex offender risks going to prison, registering as a sex offender, and suffering damages to relationships, employment and reputation.

Mary Ann Bird has significant experience defending clients charged with sex crimes. Our firm is familiar with the range of consequences a sex offender faces. We can help you fight criminal charges, which ultimately can help you avoid sex offender registration. Call 209-507-0479 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.